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Low-power wireless electronic tag system
Applicable to logistics

2020 Taipei International Logistics and IoT Exhibition

The 24th Taipei International Logistics & IoT Exhibition
2019/8/21(Wed) - 8/24(Sat)
9:00AM ~ 5:00PM
Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center, Hall 2, 1F (No. 2, Jingmao 2nd Road, Nangang District, Taipei City)

Bill Digital Technology Co., Ltd.

Release date: 2019-08-18
Booth Number: P1105

2020 Taipei International Logistics and IoT Exhibition

M2COMM was founded in 2012 and is headquartered in Hsinchu, Taiwan. It is a pioneer in the development of low-power IoT wireless communication network technology in Taiwan.
In recent years, the Internet of Things has been rapidly emerging, but only consumer electronic wireless technologies (Bluetooth, WiFi, Zigbee) are available for the development of IoT applications in the market, and their power consumption, networking efficiency and reliability do not meet the actual needs of commercial and industrial IoT applications (including smart retail, smart manufacturing, smart logistics, etc.). In view of this, Yunchuang Communications has begun to research and develop basic wireless communication technologies suitable for large-scale B2B IoT, and has actively invested in the development of several forward-looking applications, such as Electronic Shelf Label (ESL).
Electronic price tags are an important part of smart retail systems, but due to the complexity of large wireless networks and the requirement for extremely low power consumption, only a few application companies in the world can provide corresponding system solutions. The new communication technology Platanus proposed by Yunchuang Communications can appropriately meet its application requirements: connecting tens of thousands of wireless devices, battery life of more than two years under normal use, and an accuracy rate of more than 99.9%. Since 2015, more than one million electronic price tags have supported Platanus. Compared with developers in the market who can only introduce foreign manufacturers' technology or use cheap and unsecured hardware, Yunchuang Communications' electronic price tag applications, from software and hardware to industrial design, are all designed and manufactured in Taiwan, and were selected as one of the top ten outstanding products in the domestic Golden Edge Award in 2016.
Yunchuang Communications has established product cooperation with partners in 12 countries around the world. With Asia's increasing attention to the development of new retail, this business application business has gradually been launched in Taiwan and China. Yunchuang Communications has further expanded this technology to the field of automation, and cooperated with leading manufacturers in the domestic and foreign industrial fields to actively develop markets such as Industry 4.0, smart manufacturing, and smart medical care.

Yunchuang Communications hopes to use its key core technologies to closely integrate interactive innovation with ecosystem partners in various fields and match corresponding business models to realize the vision of the Internet of Things.


雲創通訊總經理魏駿愷表示,作為台灣在地的電子貨架標籤廠商,這次與三商家購合作,結合元太科技的電子紙技術,與自有的Sub-1GHz通訊技術,打造出高效穩定的電子紙標籤解決方案ELSA,此方案具備超長傳輸距離的特性,能夠確保數據傳輸的穩定性與精準度,完美符合零售多型態門市的需求。以傳統的電子紙標籤建置來說,往往需要額外的硬體設備,如電腦,而ELSA透過雲端部署,實現了快速的水平擴展。門市無需額外安裝軟體的設備,即可在最短時間內完成電子紙標籤的Plug and Play,大幅降低單店的建置成本與複雜度。



「智慧新零售」現場大合照,左起 元太科技副總洪集茂、元太科技總經理甘豐源、三商家購總經理邱光隆、雲創通訊總經理魏駿愷、雲創通訊副總楊宏洲。


身為全球電子紙領導品牌E Ink元太科技總經理甘豐源表示,與三商家購有超過十年的合作基礎,感謝三商家購一直很積極投入智慧零售的運營升級,加上雲創通訊的加入,讓台灣的消費者有機會享受更數位、環境友善的消費全方位體驗。

電子紙本身僅在更新畫面時,需要微量的電力驅動,在貨架上無需佈建電線,且顯示清晰,具類紙的視覺體驗,應用在電子貨架標籤上,可動態變價,為零售場域提供數位化兼具靈活、耐用、環保的線下零售解決方案,E Ink元太科技總經理甘豐源進一步表示,以ESG永續零售的議題來說,以最普遍使用的3吋左右電子紙標籤計算,在過去7年間,元太在全球已安裝約10億片,若每天更換4次價格資訊,相較於一次性使用的紙質價格標籤,使用紙質標籤所產生的二氧化碳排放量是電子紙標籤的3.2萬倍。當零售業邁向未來,電子紙除了廣泛應用於貨架標籤,在電子紙全面彩色化的時代,也提供更多的廣告解決方案,例如導入電子紙廣告看板,取代紙質海報或LCD螢幕,用於POP 展示,取代訊息看板或海報,邁向全店低碳無紙化,這也是與零售業未來探討的下一步。

雲創通訊、元太科技、三商家購策略合作 打造「智慧新零售」計畫


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